An .htaccess file is a text file which contains directives which tell a web server how to operate in specific occasions. It must be put in the folder where these directives should be executed. Many script-driven apps use such a file to function properly - WordPress and Joomla, for example. You can use this kind of a file with personalized content as well and do a lot of things - block an IP address, an entire network or specific websites from accessing your site, set customized error pages that shall show up rather than the server-generated ones if a visitor encounters some error on the website, direct a domain or a subdomain to a new web address, set up a password-protected area and much more. With an .htaccess file, you will have more effective control over your web presence.
.htaccess Generator in Hosting
If you would like to use any of the functions which an .htaccess file offers, but you have never dealt with this sort of matters before, you can use the .htaccess generator tool that comes with all our hosting solutions. The tool is part of our in-house built Hepsia CP and it will offer you an uncomplicated and intuitive means to set up an .htaccess file in any folder that you have created in the account. A huge number of options will be available with checkboxes, so you should only pick the one that you need and eventually enter a URL - if you are using the file to forward a domain or to set custom error pages for each of your sites. Because our cloud platform supports a number of different PHP versions, you'll also be able to set any of these versions for any of your websites regardless if it's different from the version set for your hosting account as a whole.
.htaccess Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages which we offer feature a powerful, but user-friendly .htaccess generator tool, that will give you the chance to use this kind of a file for any purpose even if you are not too experienced. The tool is built into the Hepsia CP and has the same intuitive interface. If you would like to use any of the options which may be enabled via an .htaccess file, you simply need to check the box next to it within the list which you'll find when you open the tool. You can also select in which directory of your account the file shall be created and you will be all set. An .htaccess file could also be used to set a PHP version for a specific site that differs from the version that the account itself uses. Should you have any issues, we have comprehensive help articles and video tutorials that will explain to you first-hand how to activate any option that's available inside the tool.