What is Joomla?

Joomla is among the most desired Content Management Systems available on the web. It’s robust and also user–friendly and uncomplicated. It provides a way for virtually anyone to create websites and also to maintain them with ease. It provides numerous totally free and commercial plug–ins which will add more functionality or completely transform your site.

The men and women in the Joomla development team are keen fans of the open–source notion and therefore the Joomla project has been opened for developers from the start. It has allowed for the establishment of a solid and involved Joomla community. These days there are a large number of people producing Joomla themes, extensions and Joomla–powered sites.

Joomla is a trademark of the Open Source Matters and shares no connection with Cerulian Group.

Joomla–Optimized Linux Hosting Packages Services with a Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

If you want a trustworthy hosting provider for your own Joomla sites, you need to look no more. At Cerulian Group, you can find Joomla–tailored Linux hosting packages bundles with a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. And you will be provided 24x7 support with a standard answer time lower than 20 mins. We will install the latest version of Joomla at the moment you register and we will even supply you with a academy domain for just $48.00.

You’ll have the opportunity to use our special Web Site Control Panel, which allows you to handle your websites, domain names and payment tasks from a single place through a user friendly interface. The Web Site Control Panel is easy to use and has no learning curve. It has a File Manager, that enables drag–and–drop file uploads; a Domain Manager, that enables you to take care of a range of domains; a Database Manager, that enables you to conduct database backups with a one click; a Statistics Manager, that offers you real–time web site stats with no configuration needed, and a lot more.

Free Joomla Themes

Each Joomla installation offers a variety of no cost Joomla web themes, that you can acquire through your Cerulian Group Web Site Control Panel.

The Joomla themes are perfect for showcasing your portfolio of works, galleries, video clips and podcasts. There’s no need for you to be proficient in any sophisticated web design procedures. Each template is focused on a selected topic, though it’s possible to totally alter its design components to fit your particular needs.